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2024 "The Gingerbread Nutcracker"


After last year's lighthouse, I knew I wanted to do another movement element in the next display and one idea I've had for a few years now has been a specific moment from Tchaikovsky's Nutcracker ballet. This year, however, it was a challenge to find time to design, bake, and test out the complicated engineering parts of this particular idea. Unlike in previous years when I would start baking in September or October, I didn't even start baking this year until December. What with the gig life, caroling, illnesses, my Nana's passing and subsequent sale of her house, it was almost not going to happen. But I wanted to get this done and since I had tested out so many different methods of how to raise the Christmas tree, I persevered through. The base is made out of masonite and is 16" tall - painted with acrylic - then the great hall has a royal icing marbled floor, curved gingerbread staircases leading to a platform (supported by gingerbread columns) overlooking a large two-story window guarded by a gingerbread/royal icing owl inspired by the spirit of Drosselmeyer. The clock in the corner has an isomalt face. This year's display tested so many skills: sugar sculpting, fondant, royal icing, curved gingerbread, engineering, electrical wiring, etc.! The hours put into this are insane, but the result speaks for itself. This has always been one of my most favorite moments in all of the traditions of Christmas, I am so pleased to present it in gingerbread! The music was synthesized in Sibelius Ultimate with NotePerformer4.

Final Dimensions:

  • Base: 28" x 20" x 16" (masonite/wood/acrylic)

  • Great Hall: 32" (h) (gingerbread, royal icing, fondant, sugar)

  • Christmas Tree: 24" (h) (12v-electrical linear motor)

Total Height: >4'


2023 "The (Light)House"

I had two ideas going into the 2023 season: an animated tableau depicting the magic spell transformation in the Nutcracker ballet or a functioning lighthouse. The former had a few too many pitfalls, so I decided on the latter, unaware that it, too, had just as many technical obstacles to mount (getting a Fresnel lens, making the light move, getting a tower made out of a cookie to stand, etc.). Thankfully, Lego released their lighthouse set and that provided everything I needed to be able to get the light moving the way I wanted leaving everything else was up to me and my imagination. Last year's efforts with the TITANIC paid off as I was able to get ahead of a few potential snags with building the platform and getting the structure sured up for which I was very grateful that the previous frustrations were worth the struggle! Many, many drawings and scale models later, this impressive model stands as testament to the power of the Christmas spirit. I'm also excited that I tried out a few new techniques: first, I used bran flakes pushed into royal icing to create a stone look (on the foundation, the chimney, fireplace, and walking paths) which really came out great; second, I used tin foil to create unique shapes, curves, and textures for the sea rock wall which climbs up to the platform from the base adding to the realism (especially after the powder sugar snow fell, accenting and highlighting the many natural cracks and crevices).

Final dimensions

Tower ... 30" from platform

Tower ... 42" from base

House Chimney ... 15"

House Width ... 20"


This year, I would like to extend my gratitude to the following people who helped me along the way: First, to Lego without which the mechanics of the light (and the Fresnel lens) would have been nigh impossible on this scale - their Lego set 21335 was an indispensable asset. Second, to Wayne Electronics (615 NJ Rt-23S) and the manager's assistance on two occasions for teaching me about LEDs and how to modify the Lego battery pack into an AC adapter wherein I could regulate the current and adjust brightness and motor speed. I am grateful that brick-and-mortar stores like this exist and also that you can get such expert advice from the dedication and attention that you cannot even hope to imagine from big-box stores. And lastly, I need to thank my late grandfather Conrad Spring (1935-2019) whose work as a civil engineer and all-around handy man taught me the foundational skills without which building the platform, drawing the scale models, meticulousness in details, and more would have been impossible.


Gingerbread Titanic
Gingerbread Titanic
Gingerbread Titanic
Gingerbread Titanic

My gingerbread RMS TITANIC began design in August 2022, cardboard stencils were made in September, and baking began later that month. Assembly started in November and the project was finished by mid December.

Final dimensions

31" long, 32" tall, 12" wide

Gingerbread Titanic

2021 "Hogwarts Castle"

Following a memorable vacation at Universal Studios and Islands of Adventure in Florida, the Hogwarts Great Hall was a natural candidate for the 2022 gingerbread house. With new methods for making curved gingerbread pieces and with its impressive

height of 34" tall from the snow to the tip of the tallest turret, Hogwarts slowly yet methodically materialized. Bedecked in garland and lit with LEDs, the castle was fit for the finest of Christmas celebrations ever seen in the Wizarding World.

2020 "Doll's House"

The idea for a doll's house came late in the season, but thanks to the pandemic and flexible scheduling (not to mention several late nights) the final product was able to be assembled in time for Christmas. It was a lesson in planning, trial-and-error, and learning from past mistakes. Designing the interiors and exteriors (along with consideration for lighting) culminated in an adorable colonial with a two-story Christmas tree in the great room. The piano, the dining room, kitchen, and staircase

were time consuming to produce but those fine details - visible through the windows - culminated in a sturdy structure with an abundance of thoughtful detail.

Final dimensions were 28" long, 14" wide, and 20" tall.

2018 "Alpine Lodge"


2018 was the first time that I designed a custom gingerbread house. After several sketches, I decided upon an A-frame Alpine-esque lodge. The interiors were sparsely decorated, the roof (which was supposed to be red) ended up purple, and the incandescent bulb which lit the tower and house was too hot for the sugar windows, but it was a great first step in designing from scratch!

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